750,000,000 years?
Are they sure it wasn't 755,000,000 years?
paleontologists have discovered the cause of small holes that have frequently been observed in ancient eukaryote fossils.
please check out the source even if you only look at the amazing picture.... they were being sucked dry by other predatory species.. forget about a "fall" from a disneyesque utopia.
creatures have been consuming each other since the very beginning of life.. reality is far more exciting than fantasy.
750,000,000 years?
Are they sure it wasn't 755,000,000 years?
portrait of a girl and her dog.
(a true story by terry edwin walstrom).
her name was cheryl ann draper and she was about 11 years old the day she begged her daddy, who worked at a gas station, to let her go with him to work.
Sorry Terry. I can only give you one like.
since the liberal government has been elected in canada, it seems that people are looking to the future with a little more optimism and hope.
it is only human nature that with change, we would think that the change would be for the better.
the courts have ruled, in canada, that it is unconstitutional to deny the homeless the right to sleep in parks.
Since the liberal government has been elected in Canada, it seems that people are looking to the future with a little more optimism and hope. It is only human nature that with change, we would think that the change would be for the better. The courts have ruled, in Canada, that it is unconstitutional to deny the homeless the right to sleep in parks. Others have suggested, and seem to have strong support from some groups, to open up the churches to the homeless and get them off of the streets, into an evironment where it is warm and safe. Many good hearted people in our society are trying to do what they can to help.
May I suggest that if the 'bethelites' and 'special pioneers' and perhaps even former 'district overseers' and 'circuit overseers' could:
1] live quite cheaply in a tent or shelter in one of these public parkland homeless communities. They would even have a 'territory' to preach in that is probably not on file with their local congregation.'Unassigned territory' it is called. No driving 6 hours north to some remote mountain community. Now they can just walk over to the nearest tent, tap on the flap and bingo, potential bible study.
2] live in the basement of one of the local churches, perhaps Anglican, United or Catholic. Of course they would have to behave themselves by not running down the Church offering them the living accomodations, They would have to refrain from preaching that everyone who belongs to that particular religion will die at Armaggedon and such talk as that. Many of these volunteers working at these local church charities are very willing to help the needy. Perhaps they could even give rides to the 'church homeless JW's' to the meetings at the local Kingdom Halls.
i know we are all anonymous for our own personal reasons, so i understand if you would rather not say.
but if you don't mind sharing that would be cool.
i currently live in georgia, usa.
[....the scene opens with jw gump being summoned by the governing body....].
jw gump: yes sir, governing body member, lett, sir!.
gb lett: just what is your job at the watchtower organization, jw gump?.
[....The scene opens with JW Gump being summoned by the Governing Body....]
GB Lett: JW GUMP !
JW Gump: Yes Sir, Governing Body member, Lett, SIR!
GB Lett: Just what is your job at the Watchtower Organization, JW Gump?
JW Gump: To do exactly what you tell me to do, Governing Body Lett, SIR!
GB Morris III : JW Gump, that is the best darned answer I have ever heard.
GB Splane : Yes, that is exactly what we want to hear.
BG Jackson: Keep up the fine work, JW Gump.
JW Gump : What work?
GB Herd: The work of doing exactly what we tell you to do.
JW Gump: Oh, yeh, right. YES SIR!
BG Morris III : JW Gump, you are DIISSMMIISSED!
[ ...JW Gump leaves room and door closes...]
GB Splane: Yessirree Bob. That boy will go far. Definite future Governing Body material.
[ ... all nod in agreement...]
the us elections suck up all the attention (and it's not even at the candidate selection stage!
) but canada actually has a national election today.. first results are starting to come in and so far it's all liberal party.. i think it's time harper and the conservatives got the boot.
last premiere from the bush era.
Canada's new Prime Minister
He looks ready to me.
the us elections suck up all the attention (and it's not even at the candidate selection stage!
) but canada actually has a national election today.. first results are starting to come in and so far it's all liberal party.. i think it's time harper and the conservatives got the boot.
last premiere from the bush era.
Canada's new Prime Minister
we had a request for this and i thought that someone else might want it.. 2016 (oclam) our christian life and ministry-meeting workbook.
.. http://wwwb.fileflyer.com/view/0fdkfbu.
.. .. petra!.
Simplistic and even cartoonish.
The dumbing down is outrageous.
at 20:00 - 21:30 in his testimony, mr. geoffrey jackson - in answer to mr. stewart's question about the governing body claiming to be god's spokespersons - claimed that it would be presumptuous of them to say that they were the only spokespersons which god was using.
mr. jackson doesn't seem to know what he and his fellow g.b.
members - and the providers of his lifestyle, the wtbts - actually teach as "bible truth.
in answer to Mr. Stewart's question about the governing body claiming to be God's spokespersons - claimed that it would be presumptuous of them to say that they were the only spokespersons which God was using..... I'm sure Mr. Stewart was well aware of what the literature says - despite Mr. Jackson's "humble" answer!
I really wish that Mr. Stewart had re-asked the question thus, ' Please answer YES or NO, Mr. Jackson."
' i am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
does anyone have information on this door?
it is a wood door with book-matched veneer.
' I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.' [John10:9]
Does anyone have information on this door? It is a wood door with book-matched veneer. Probably birch. How old? What country?